

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • sz.balazs.95



    Van egy Trust 15315-02 „XpertClick Wireless Mini Mouse” [link] típusú egerem, ami sehogy sem akar működni Ubuntu alatt, annak ellenére, hogy a gép érzékeli:

    PC típusa: DELL Inspiron B130
    OS: Ubuntu 12.10 „Quantal Quetzal” 32bit

    A SpeedLink SL-6425-SWT-HU billentyűzet miért Creative Labs Defender Office Keyboard-ként van megnevezve? A Hama AM5100 egerem meg miért Sunplus- márkájúnak?

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz hcl #6109 üzenetére

    az lehet. :)

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    Van egy Trust 15315-02 „XpertClick Wireless Mini Mouse” [link] típusú egerem, ami sehogy sem akar működni Ubuntu alatt, annak ellenére, hogy a gép érzékeli:

    PC típusa: DELL Inspiron B130
    OS: Ubuntu 12.10 „Quantal Quetzal” 32bit


    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz csixy #6714 üzenetére

    Nem. UTP-s netkapcsolatot használok.

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95



    Nagyjából azóta (bár nem tudom, hogy emiatt-e) amióta megpróbáltam telepíteni a wlan kártyám driverét a további illesztőprogramokban, egy pár perc használat után (onnantól számolva, hogy bekapcsolom a gépet) megjelenik fekete háttérrel egy csomó szöveg, és az egyetlen, amit tudok csinálni, hogy kikapcsolom a gépet!
    :O :O :O :O :O
    Ubuntu 12.04.2 (32bit)
    Valamilyen Broadcom kártya
    DELL inspiron b130

    Valami ilyesmi a hiba (bár ez csak egy része a hibaüzenetnek) és nekem nem jelenik meg a kernel panic szöveg sehol.

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz PuMbA #7338 üzenetére

    Nekem csak a 11.10 van meg, így csak azt tudom telepíteni.

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz PuMbA #7340 üzenetére

    Ugy értem az az egyetlen ami ki van nekem írva CD-re.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz PuMbA #7340 üzenetére

    Na, meg is van.
    Ujbol 11.10 van fent.

    Vajon ha frissitek 12.10-re, ott is jelentkezni fog a hiba? :F
    Mostmar nem merek semmit csak ugy telepiteni... :D

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz sz.balazs.95 #7342 üzenetére

    Ez fura...
    Nem birom telepiteni az Operat!
    Eddig sose volt ilyen problemam... :F


    Tovabba az is erdekes, hogy most nem ajanlja fel a wlan driveret...

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz fradi81 #7344 üzenetére

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz hcl #7346 üzenetére

    :Y :F

    A feladat nem figyelheto meg?
    Welcome to CCCP vagy dafuq? :C

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz hcl #7346 üzenetére

    Idokozben en is rajottem, hogy az install nem kell oda. :)
    Ugy mukodik.
    De az operat most se kivanja leszedni... :(

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz chab7 #7351 üzenetére

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz PuMbA #7355 üzenetére

    Jo, de ketlem, hogy ez a gep tudna pendriverol bootolni. :(

    * * *

    Amugy ujabb hibak jelentkeztek:
    - a laptop touchpadja ugy ahogy van nem mukodik.
    - Az ubuntu szerint nem erhetok el halozati eszkozok. (ennek ellenere vigan netezek)
    - Le van nemitva, es feljebb tekerni sem tudom a hangerot.

    Korabban mar hasznaltam ezen a gepen ubuntut, de akkor minden siman ment... :F

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz Kendek #7359 üzenetére

    Ok. Ez hiba nelkul lefutott.

    Ami valtozott:
    Most mar tudom allitani a hangerot. Hang viszont tovabbra sincs
    Erzekeli a netet

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz sz.balazs.95 #7360 üzenetére

    Medoldodott! :C
    Eger hang ok.

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    Azt nem tudja valaki hogy az ilyen tipusu egeret hogy lehet mukodesre birni ubuntu alatt?

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz stopperos #7366 üzenetére

    A Microsoftos cucc egy webkamera, amit epp probalok mukodesre birni...

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz sz.balazs.95 #7367 üzenetére

    Ez erdekes...
    Maga a webkamera mukodik rendesen... Skype-pal sehogy se megy... :(

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    Azt tudtatok, hogy Kindle Fire HD-t lehet rendelni a Skype honlapjarol?
    Raadasul egesz jo aron! :))

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz fradi81 #7371 üzenetére

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz Syl #7373 üzenetére


    Mindenhol dragabb, vagy egyaltalan nincsen.

    Szerintem meg nem jobb a Nexus 7.
    [link] [link]

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz stopperos #7377 üzenetére

    Az elonezeti kepe megjelenik a kameranak rendesen.
    Viszont ha a teszt fiokot felhivom, ott nem tudom bekapcsolni alul a kamerat...

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    azt amugy honnan tudom megallapitani, hogy a wlan kartyamhoz milyen driver kell?
    Csak mert most az ubi sewmmilyen nem ajanl fel telepitesre.
    Illetve Intel mobile 915GM-hez honnan lehet drivert leszedni?
    Ehhez a laptophoz amugy lehet venni magyar billentyuzetet?
    (marmint nem olyat, amit USB-n lehet rakotni, hanem ami az eredetit csereli.)

    Mar megvan: [link]
    Mar csak az a kerdes, hogy melyik jo nekem...

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz stopperos #7381 üzenetére


    Amugy eszrevettem, hogy a touchpad erintos feluletenek a jobb szelet egy savban lehet hasznalni gorgetonek! :Y
    Ez linuxos feature, vagy hardveres?

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz MacCaine #7387 üzenetére

    De az én notebookom bőven nem számít újabbnak, és nincs külön kijelölt görgető sáv, csak egy egyszerű, egy ujjas tp.
    Gondolom ez akkor valami software-es extra.
    A windows amúgy nekem sem tudott ilyet...

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95



    Nekem az lenne a bajom, hogy nem indul az Ubi.
    Mikor bekapcsolom a gepet, bejon a GNU GRUB 1.99-12ubuntu5.1 verzio es ha ott kivalasztom az ubuntu, Linux 3.0.0-32-generic-pae verzioval lehetoseget, akkor elindul, majd kiad valami kernellel kapcsolatos szoveget, majd egyszeruen ujraindul a gep.
    Ujratelepites sem segitett! :(

    OS: Ubuntu 11.10 32bit
    alaplap: ASUS M5A78L-M LX
    gpu: ASUS HD7770

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    Elfelejtettem emliteni: CD-rol hibatlanul mukodik.

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz sh4d0w #7753 üzenetére

    Egy 2 GB-os pendrive eleg ahhoz, hogy inditolemezt csinaljak belole?
    Illetve az alaplapom tud pendriverol bootolni?

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz Kendek #7755 üzenetére

    Most akkor megis rarakta?

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz Kendek #7757 üzenetére

    azmi? :B

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    Egyébként Broadcom BCM4318 típusú wlan kártyahoz honnan tudnék működőképes drivert leszedni?
    Amiatt lenne fontos, mert most egyszerre csak az egyik gépen tudom biztosítani a netet, és emiatt most mobilon vagyok kénytelen netezni, mert a nagygépen nem megy az ubi, a laptop meg offline.

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    Újraraktam a rendszert. Működik. Most is róla írok.
    Legutóbb akkor b.szódott el, mikor leszedtem a frissítéseket, majd újraindult...
    Nem tudom, hogy a kettő mennyire függ össze...
    illetve a vga driverét is le akartam telepiteni, ami meghiusult. lehet, hogy az okozta a hibát.

    Úgy fest, most se tudtam telepíteni... :(

    jockey.log tartalma:

    2013-03-08 20:55:23,632 DEBUG: updating <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c>
    2013-03-08 20:55:24,726 DEBUG: reading modalias file /lib/modules/3.0.0-32-generic-pae/modules.alias
    2013-03-08 20:55:25,184 DEBUG: reading modalias file /usr/share/jockey/modaliases/b43
    2013-03-08 20:55:25,249 DEBUG: reading modalias file /usr/share/jockey/modaliases/disable-upstream-nvidia
    2013-03-08 20:55:25,304 WARNING: Could not open DriverDB cache /var/cache/jockey/driverdb-OpenPrintingDriverDB.cache: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/cache/jockey/driverdb-OpenPrintingDriverDB.cache'
    2013-03-08 20:55:25,329 DEBUG: loading custom handler /usr/share/jockey/handlers/
    2013-03-08 20:55:25,363 DEBUG: Instantiated Handler subclass __builtin__.SlModem from name SlModem
    2013-03-08 20:55:25,429 DEBUG: Software modem not available
    2013-03-08 20:55:25,429 DEBUG: loading custom handler /usr/share/jockey/handlers/
    2013-03-08 20:55:26,033 WARNING: modinfo for module ath_pci failed: ERROR: modinfo: could not find module ath_pci

    2013-03-08 20:55:26,034 DEBUG: Instantiated Handler subclass __builtin__.MadwifiHandler from name MadwifiHandler
    2013-03-08 20:55:26,034 DEBUG: Alternate Atheros "madwifi" driver availability undetermined, adding to pool
    2013-03-08 20:55:26,034 DEBUG: loading custom handler /usr/share/jockey/handlers/
    2013-03-08 20:55:26,401 WARNING: modinfo for module fglrx_updates failed: ERROR: modinfo: could not find module fglrx_updates

    2013-03-08 20:55:26,408 DEBUG: Instantiated Handler subclass __builtin__.FglrxDriverUpdate from name FglrxDriverUpdate
    2013-03-08 20:55:26,408 DEBUG: fglrx.available: falling back to default
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,098 DEBUG: ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver (post-release updates) availability undetermined, adding to pool
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,160 WARNING: modinfo for module fglrx failed: ERROR: modinfo: could not find module fglrx

    2013-03-08 20:55:27,167 DEBUG: Instantiated Handler subclass __builtin__.FglrxDriver from name FglrxDriver
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,167 DEBUG: fglrx.available: falling back to default
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,240 DEBUG: ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver availability undetermined, adding to pool
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,240 DEBUG: loading custom handler /usr/share/jockey/handlers/
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,287 WARNING: modinfo for module vmxnet failed: ERROR: modinfo: could not find module vmxnet

    2013-03-08 20:55:27,287 DEBUG: Instantiated Handler subclass __builtin__.VmwareClientHandler from name VmwareClientHandler
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,318 DEBUG: VMWare Client Tools availability undetermined, adding to pool
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,319 DEBUG: loading custom handler /usr/share/jockey/handlers/
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,328 WARNING: modinfo for module wl failed: ERROR: modinfo: could not find module wl

    2013-03-08 20:55:27,360 DEBUG: Instantiated Handler subclass __builtin__.BroadcomWLHandler from name BroadcomWLHandler
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,361 DEBUG: Broadcom STA wireless driver availability undetermined, adding to pool
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,361 DEBUG: loading custom handler /usr/share/jockey/handlers/
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,452 WARNING: modinfo for module nvidia_96 failed: ERROR: modinfo: could not find module nvidia_96

    2013-03-08 20:55:27,459 DEBUG: Instantiated Handler subclass __builtin__.NvidiaDriver96 from name NvidiaDriver96
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,459 DEBUG: nvidia.available: falling back to default
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,522 DEBUG: NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver availability undetermined, adding to pool
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,588 WARNING: modinfo for module nvidia_current failed: ERROR: modinfo: could not find module nvidia_current

    2013-03-08 20:55:27,595 DEBUG: Instantiated Handler subclass __builtin__.NvidiaDriverCurrent from name NvidiaDriverCurrent
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,595 DEBUG: nvidia.available: falling back to default
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,663 DEBUG: NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver availability undetermined, adding to pool
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,668 WARNING: modinfo for module nvidia_173_updates failed: ERROR: modinfo: could not find module nvidia_173_updates

    2013-03-08 20:55:27,674 DEBUG: Instantiated Handler subclass __builtin__.NvidiaDriver173Updates from name NvidiaDriver173Updates
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,674 DEBUG: nvidia.available: falling back to default
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,735 DEBUG: NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (post-release updates) availability undetermined, adding to pool
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,735 DEBUG: Could not instantiate Handler subclass __builtin__.NvidiaDriverBase from name NvidiaDriverBase
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/jockey/", line 962, in get_handlers
    inst = obj(backend)
    TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,844 WARNING: modinfo for module nvidia_current_updates failed: ERROR: modinfo: could not find module nvidia_current_updates

    2013-03-08 20:55:27,850 DEBUG: Instantiated Handler subclass __builtin__.NvidiaDriverCurrentUpdates from name NvidiaDriverCurrentUpdates
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,851 DEBUG: nvidia.available: falling back to default
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,921 DEBUG: NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (post-release updates) availability undetermined, adding to pool
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,927 WARNING: modinfo for module nvidia_173 failed: ERROR: modinfo: could not find module nvidia_173

    2013-03-08 20:55:27,934 DEBUG: Instantiated Handler subclass __builtin__.NvidiaDriver173 from name NvidiaDriver173
    2013-03-08 20:55:27,935 DEBUG: nvidia.available: falling back to default
    2013-03-08 20:55:28,007 DEBUG: NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver availability undetermined, adding to pool
    2013-03-08 20:55:28,142 WARNING: modinfo for module nvidia_96_updates failed: ERROR: modinfo: could not find module nvidia_96_updates

    2013-03-08 20:55:28,149 DEBUG: Instantiated Handler subclass __builtin__.NvidiaDriver96Updates from name NvidiaDriver96Updates
    2013-03-08 20:55:28,149 DEBUG: nvidia.available: falling back to default
    2013-03-08 20:55:28,206 DEBUG: NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (post-release updates) availability undetermined, adding to pool
    2013-03-08 20:55:28,207 DEBUG: loading custom handler /usr/share/jockey/handlers/
    2013-03-08 20:55:28,835 DEBUG: Instantiated Handler subclass __builtin__.DvbUsbFirmwareHandler from name DvbUsbFirmwareHandler
    2013-03-08 20:55:28,836 DEBUG: Firmware for DVB cards not available
    2013-03-08 20:55:28,836 DEBUG: all custom handlers loaded
    2013-03-08 20:55:28,836 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v000010ECd00008168sv00001043sd00008505bc02sc00i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:28,845 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'r8169'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:28,967 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'r8169', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:28,967 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'input:b0000v0000p0000e0000-e0,5,kramlsfw2,')
    2013-03-08 20:55:28,971 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'evbug'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:28,971 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'evbug', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:28,971 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001022d00001605sv00000000sd00000000bc06sc00i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:28,982 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:LNXSYBUS:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:28,982 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:PNP0100:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:28,982 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001002d00004390sv00001043sd00008389bc01sc06i01')
    2013-03-08 20:55:29,215 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'ahci'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:29,215 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'ahci', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:29,215 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'ahci'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:29,215 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'ahci', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:29,215 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'platform:pcspkr')
    2013-03-08 20:55:29,216 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'pcspkr'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:29,216 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'pcspkr', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:29,216 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'snd_pcsp'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:29,216 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'snd_pcsp', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:29,216 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'usb:v1D6Bp0001d0300dc09dsc00dp00ic09isc00ip00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:29,234 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'input:b0019v0000p0001e0000-e0,1,k74,ramlsfw')
    2013-03-08 20:55:29,235 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'evbug'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:29,235 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'evbug', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:29,235 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:PNP0800:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:29,235 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'platform:eisa')
    2013-03-08 20:55:29,235 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001022d00001600sv00000000sd00000000bc06sc00i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:29,235 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'platform:SP5100 TCO timer')
    2013-03-08 20:55:29,236 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'wmi:ABBC0F6A-8EA1-11D1-00A0-C90629100000')
    2013-03-08 20:55:29,236 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001022d00009600sv00001043sd00008388bc06sc00i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:29,236 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'wmi:05901221-D566-11D1-B2F0-00A0C9062910')
    2013-03-08 20:55:29,236 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:PNP0C01:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:29,236 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:PNP0C02:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:29,236 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001002d0000683Dsv00001043sd0000045Dbc03sc00i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:29,240 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'fglrx_updates', 'package': 'fglrx-updates'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,605 DEBUG: fglrx.enabled(fglrx_updates): target_alt None current_alt /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/ other target alt None other current alt None
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,606 DEBUG: fglrx_updates is not the alternative in use
    2013-03-08 20:55:29,240 DEBUG: found match in handler pool xorg:fglrx_updates([FglrxDriverUpdate, nonfree, disabled] ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver (post-release updates))
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,612 WARNING: modinfo for module fglrx_updates failed: ERROR: modinfo: could not find module fglrx_updates

    2013-03-08 20:55:30,619 DEBUG: fglrx.available: falling back to default
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,693 DEBUG: fglrx.enabled(fglrx_updates): target_alt None current_alt /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/ other target alt None other current alt None
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,693 DEBUG: fglrx_updates is not the alternative in use
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,659 DEBUG: got handler xorg:fglrx_updates([FglrxDriverUpdate, nonfree, disabled] ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver (post-release updates))
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,694 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:PNP0C04:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,694 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001002d00004385sv00001043sd00008389bc0Csc05i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,702 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'i2c_piix4'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,702 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'i2c_piix4', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,702 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'sp5100_tco'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,703 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'sp5100_tco', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,703 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:PNP0000:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,703 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:LNXSYSTM:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,703 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'usb:v1D6Bp0002d0300dc09dsc00dp00ic09isc00ip00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,704 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001002d00004383sv00001043sd00008445bc04sc03i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,711 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'snd_hda_intel'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,711 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'snd_hda_intel', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,730 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'snd_hda_intel'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,730 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'snd_hda_intel', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,730 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'serio:ty06pr00id00ex00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,747 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'serio_raw'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,747 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'serio_raw', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,748 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001022d00001604sv00000000sd00000000bc06sc00i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,748 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'fam15h_power'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,749 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'fam15h_power', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,749 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'input:b0003v062Ap0201e0110-e0,1,2,3,4,k71,72,73,74,77,80,82,83,85,86,87,88,89,8A,8B,8C,8E,8F,90,96,98,9B,9C,9E,9F,A1,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AB,AC,AD,AE,B1,B2,B5,CE,CF,D0,D1,D2,D4,D8,D9,DB,E4,EA,EB,F1,100,161,162,166,16A,16E,172,174,176,178,179,17A,17B,17C,17D,17F,180,182,183,185,188,189,18C,18D,18E,18F,190,191,192,193,195,198,199,19A,1A0,1A1,1A2,1A3,1A4,1A5,1A6,1A7,1A8,1A9,1AA,1AB,1AC,1AD,1AE,1B0,1B1,1B2,1B7,1BA,255,256,257,258,259,25A,25B,r0,1,6,8,a20,m4,lsfw')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,749 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'evbug'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,749 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'evbug', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,749 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'joydev'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,749 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'joydev', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,749 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'input:b0003v062Ap0201e0110-e0,1,4,11,14,k71,72,73,74,75,77,79,7A,7B,7C,7D,7E,7F,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,8A,8C,8E,96,98,9E,9F,A1,A3,A4,A5,A6,AD,B0,B1,B2,B3,B4,B7,B8,B9,BA,BB,BC,BD,BE,BF,C0,C1,C2,F0,ram4,l0,1,2,sfw')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,749 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'evbug'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,749 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'evbug', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,749 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001002d0000439Csv00001043sd00008389bc01sc01i8a')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,752 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'pata_atiixp'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,752 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'pata_atiixp', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,752 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'dmi:bvnAmericanMegatrendsInc.:bvr1201:bd09/04/2012:svnSystemmanufacturer:pnSystemProductName:pvrSystemVersion:rvnASUSTeKComputerINC.:rnM5A78L-MLXV2:rvrRevX.0x:cvnChassisManufacture:ct3:cvrChassisVersion:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,762 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:PNP0B00:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,762 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'input:b0003v15D9p0A4De0111-e0,1,2,4,k110,111,112,r0,1,8,am4,lsfw')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,762 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'evbug'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,763 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'evbug', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,763 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'usb:v062Ap0201d0100dc00dsc00dp00ic03isc01ip01')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,763 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'usbhid'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,763 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'usbhid', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,763 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'usbkbd'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,763 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'usbkbd', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,763 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'usb:v062Ap0201d0100dc00dsc00dp00ic03isc01ip02')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,764 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'usbhid'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,764 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'usbhid', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,764 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'usbmouse'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,764 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'usbmouse', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,764 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:PNP0400:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,764 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:PNP0501:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,764 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001022d00001603sv00000000sd00000000bc06sc00i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,764 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'k10temp'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,764 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'k10temp', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,764 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001002d00004396sv00001043sd00008389bc0Csc03i20')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,768 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001022d00001602sv00000000sd00000000bc06sc00i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,768 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001002d0000439Dsv00001043sd00008389bc06sc01i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,771 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'platform:reg-dummy')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,772 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001002d0000AAB0sv00001043sd0000AAB0bc04sc03i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,774 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'snd_hda_intel'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,775 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'snd_hda_intel', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,775 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:PNP0200:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,775 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'usb:v15D9p0A4Dd0100dc00dsc00dp00ic03isc01ip02')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,775 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'usbhid'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,775 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'usbhid', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,775 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'usbmouse'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,775 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'usbmouse', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,775 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001002d00004384sv00000000sd00000000bc06sc04i01')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,778 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'platform:Fixed MDIO bus')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,778 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'serio:ty01pr00id00ex00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,778 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'serio_raw'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,778 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'serio_raw', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,778 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'psmouse'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,778 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'psmouse', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,778 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001022d00001601sv00000000sd00000000bc06sc00i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,779 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'input:b0000v0000p0000e0000-e0,5,kramlsfw8,')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,779 DEBUG: searching handler for driver ID {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'evbug'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,779 DEBUG: no corresponding handler available for {'driver_type': 'kernel_module', 'kernel_module': 'evbug', 'jockey_handler': 'KernelModuleHandler'}
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,779 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xb72cb64c> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:PNP0103:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,779 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v000010ECd00008168sv00001043sd00008505bc02sc00i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,779 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'input:b0000v0000p0000e0000-e0,5,kramlsfw2,')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,779 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001022d00001605sv00000000sd00000000bc06sc00i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,779 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:LNXSYBUS:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,779 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:PNP0100:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,779 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001002d00004390sv00001043sd00008389bc01sc06i01')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,779 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'platform:pcspkr')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,779 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'usb:v1D6Bp0001d0300dc09dsc00dp00ic09isc00ip00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,779 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'input:b0019v0000p0001e0000-e0,1,k74,ramlsfw')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,779 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:PNP0800:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,779 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'platform:eisa')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,779 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001022d00001600sv00000000sd00000000bc06sc00i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,780 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'platform:SP5100 TCO timer')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,780 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'wmi:ABBC0F6A-8EA1-11D1-00A0-C90629100000')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,780 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001022d00009600sv00001043sd00008388bc06sc00i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,780 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'wmi:05901221-D566-11D1-B2F0-00A0C9062910')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,780 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:PNP0C01:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,780 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:PNP0C02:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,780 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001002d0000683Dsv00001043sd0000045Dbc03sc00i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,780 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:PNP0C04:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,780 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001002d00004385sv00001043sd00008389bc0Csc05i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,780 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:PNP0000:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,780 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:LNXSYSTM:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,780 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'usb:v1D6Bp0002d0300dc09dsc00dp00ic09isc00ip00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,780 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001002d00004383sv00001043sd00008445bc04sc03i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,780 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'serio:ty06pr00id00ex00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,780 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001022d00001604sv00000000sd00000000bc06sc00i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,780 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'input:b0003v062Ap0201e0110-e0,1,2,3,4,k71,72,73,74,77,80,82,83,85,86,87,88,89,8A,8B,8C,8E,8F,90,96,98,9B,9C,9E,9F,A1,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,AB,AC,AD,AE,B1,B2,B5,CE,CF,D0,D1,D2,D4,D8,D9,DB,E4,EA,EB,F1,100,161,162,166,16A,16E,172,174,176,178,179,17A,17B,17C,17D,17F,180,182,183,185,188,189,18C,18D,18E,18F,190,191,192,193,195,198,199,19A,1A0,1A1,1A2,1A3,1A4,1A5,1A6,1A7,1A8,1A9,1AA,1AB,1AC,1AD,1AE,1B0,1B1,1B2,1B7,1BA,255,256,257,258,259,25A,25B,r0,1,6,8,a20,m4,lsfw')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,780 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'input:b0003v062Ap0201e0110-e0,1,4,11,14,k71,72,73,74,75,77,79,7A,7B,7C,7D,7E,7F,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,8A,8C,8E,96,98,9E,9F,A1,A3,A4,A5,A6,AD,B0,B1,B2,B3,B4,B7,B8,B9,BA,BB,BC,BD,BE,BF,C0,C1,C2,F0,ram4,l0,1,2,sfw')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,780 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001002d0000439Csv00001043sd00008389bc01sc01i8a')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,780 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'dmi:bvnAmericanMegatrendsInc.:bvr1201:bd09/04/2012:svnSystemmanufacturer:pnSystemProductName:pvrSystemVersion:rvnASUSTeKComputerINC.:rnM5A78L-MLXV2:rvrRevX.0x:cvnChassisManufacture:ct3:cvrChassisVersion:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,780 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:PNP0B00:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,781 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'input:b0003v15D9p0A4De0111-e0,1,2,4,k110,111,112,r0,1,8,am4,lsfw')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,781 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'usb:v062Ap0201d0100dc00dsc00dp00ic03isc01ip01')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,781 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'usb:v062Ap0201d0100dc00dsc00dp00ic03isc01ip02')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,781 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:PNP0400:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,781 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:PNP0501:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,781 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001022d00001603sv00000000sd00000000bc06sc00i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,781 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001002d00004396sv00001043sd00008389bc0Csc03i20')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,781 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001022d00001602sv00000000sd00000000bc06sc00i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,781 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001002d0000439Dsv00001043sd00008389bc06sc01i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,781 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'platform:reg-dummy')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,781 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001002d0000AAB0sv00001043sd0000AAB0bc04sc03i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,781 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:PNP0200:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,781 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'usb:v15D9p0A4Dd0100dc00dsc00dp00ic03isc01ip02')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,781 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001002d00004384sv00000000sd00000000bc06sc04i01')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,781 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'platform:Fixed MDIO bus')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,781 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'serio:ty01pr00id00ex00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,781 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'pci:v00001022d00001601sv00000000sd00000000bc06sc00i00')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,781 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'input:b0000v0000p0000e0000-e0,5,kramlsfw8,')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,781 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.OpenPrintingDriverDB instance at 0x93461cc> about HardwareID('modalias', 'acpi:PNP0103:')
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,821 DEBUG: handler xorg:fglrx_updates previously unseen
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,821 DEBUG: writing back check cache /var/cache/jockey/check
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,855 DEBUG: fglrx.enabled(fglrx_updates): target_alt None current_alt /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/ other target alt None other current alt None
    2013-03-08 20:55:30,958 DEBUG: fglrx_updates is not the alternative in use
    2013-03-08 20:55:31,016 DEBUG: fglrx.enabled(fglrx_updates): target_alt None current_alt /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/ other target alt None other current alt None
    2013-03-08 20:55:31,016 DEBUG: fglrx_updates is not the alternative in use
    2013-03-08 20:57:37,415 DEBUG: fglrx.enabled(fglrx_updates): target_alt None current_alt /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/ other target alt None other current alt None
    2013-03-08 20:57:37,416 DEBUG: fglrx_updates is not the alternative in use
    2013-03-08 20:57:37,501 DEBUG: fglrx.enabled(fglrx_updates): target_alt None current_alt /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/ other target alt None other current alt None
    2013-03-08 20:57:37,502 DEBUG: fglrx_updates is not the alternative in use
    2013-03-08 20:57:37,585 DEBUG: fglrx.enabled(fglrx_updates): target_alt None current_alt /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/ other target alt None other current alt None
    2013-03-08 20:57:37,585 DEBUG: fglrx_updates is not the alternative in use
    2013-03-08 20:57:39,990 DEBUG: fglrx.enabled(fglrx_updates): target_alt None current_alt /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/ other target alt None other current alt None
    2013-03-08 20:57:39,990 DEBUG: fglrx_updates is not the alternative in use
    2013-03-08 20:57:44,238 DEBUG: Installing package: fglrx-updates
    2013-03-08 20:57:44,481 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 0.000000
    2013-03-08 20:57:44,481 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 0.000000
    2013-03-08 20:57:44,493 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 0.000000
    2013-03-08 20:57:44,509 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 0.000000
    2013-03-08 20:57:44,536 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 0.010561
    2013-03-08 20:57:44,589 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 0.221997
    2013-03-08 20:57:44,589 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 0.221997
    2013-03-08 20:57:44,596 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 0.225523
    2013-03-08 20:57:44,614 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 0.407554
    2013-03-08 20:57:44,614 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 0.407554
    2013-03-08 20:57:44,618 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 0.459067
    2013-03-08 20:57:44,633 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 0.616898
    2013-03-08 20:57:44,633 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 0.625709
    2013-03-08 20:57:45,134 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 8.983736
    2013-03-08 20:57:45,635 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 17.222841
    2013-03-08 20:57:46,136 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 25.469379
    2013-03-08 20:57:46,637 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 33.704767
    2013-03-08 20:57:47,138 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 41.947588
    2013-03-08 20:57:47,639 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 50.186693
    2013-03-08 20:57:48,140 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 58.433230
    2013-03-08 20:57:48,641 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 66.676052
    2013-03-08 20:57:49,142 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 74.918873
    2013-03-08 20:57:49,643 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 83.161694
    2013-03-08 20:57:49,751 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 84.938434
    2013-03-08 20:57:49,752 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 84.956091
    2013-03-08 20:57:50,254 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 93.202711
    2013-03-08 20:57:50,667 DEBUG: download progress <Package: name:'fglrx-updates' architecture='i386' id:12098L> 100.000000
    2013-03-08 20:57:51,874 DEBUG: install progress dpkg-exec 0.000000
    2013-03-08 20:57:53,019 DEBUG: install progress patch 0.000000
    2013-03-08 20:57:53,119 DEBUG: install progress patch 4.000000
    2013-03-08 20:57:53,684 DEBUG: install progress patch 8.000000
    2013-03-08 20:57:53,790 DEBUG: install progress patch 12.000000
    2013-03-08 20:57:54,228 DEBUG: install progress dkms 12.000000
    2013-03-08 20:57:54,228 DEBUG: install progress dkms 16.000000
    2013-03-08 20:57:54,899 DEBUG: install progress dkms 20.000000
    2013-03-08 20:57:54,972 DEBUG: install progress dkms 24.000000
    2013-03-08 20:57:55,379 DEBUG: install progress fakeroot 24.000000
    2013-03-08 20:57:55,479 DEBUG: install progress fakeroot 28.000000
    2013-03-08 20:57:56,314 DEBUG: install progress fakeroot 32.000000
    2013-03-08 20:57:56,420 DEBUG: install progress fakeroot 36.000000
    2013-03-08 20:57:57,000 DEBUG: install progress fglrx-updates 36.000000
    2013-03-08 20:57:57,000 DEBUG: install progress fglrx-updates 40.000000
    2013-03-08 20:57:58,999 DEBUG: install progress fglrx-updates 44.000000
    2013-03-08 20:57:59,098 DEBUG: install progress fglrx-updates 48.000000
    2013-03-08 20:57:59,351 DEBUG: install progress fglrx-amdcccle-updates 48.000000
    2013-03-08 20:57:59,451 DEBUG: install progress fglrx-amdcccle-updates 52.000000
    2013-03-08 20:57:59,905 DEBUG: install progress fglrx-amdcccle-updates 56.000000
    2013-03-08 20:58:00,011 DEBUG: install progress fglrx-amdcccle-updates 60.000000
    2013-03-08 20:58:00,124 DEBUG: install progress man-db 60.000000
    2013-03-08 20:58:02,620 DEBUG: install progress ureadahead 60.000000
    2013-03-08 20:58:02,965 DEBUG: install progress dpkg-exec 60.000000
    2013-03-08 20:58:02,999 DEBUG: install progress patch 60.000000
    2013-03-08 20:58:03,131 DEBUG: install progress patch 64.000000
    2013-03-08 20:58:03,265 DEBUG: install progress patch 68.000000
    2013-03-08 20:58:03,357 DEBUG: install progress dkms 68.000000
    2013-03-08 20:58:04,483 DEBUG: install progress dkms 72.000000
    2013-03-08 20:58:04,580 DEBUG: install progress dkms 76.000000
    2013-03-08 20:58:04,667 DEBUG: install progress fakeroot 76.000000
    2013-03-08 20:58:04,801 DEBUG: install progress fakeroot 80.000000
    2013-03-08 20:58:04,931 DEBUG: install progress fakeroot 84.000000
    2013-03-08 20:58:05,046 DEBUG: install progress fglrx-updates 84.000000
    2013-03-08 20:58:05,407 DEBUG: install progress fglrx-updates 88.000000
    2013-03-08 20:58:38,268 DEBUG: install progress fglrx-updates 92.000000
    2013-03-08 20:58:39,070 DEBUG: install progress bamfdaemon 92.000000
    2013-03-08 20:58:39,373 DEBUG: install progress gnome-menus 92.000000
    2013-03-08 20:58:39,740 DEBUG: install progress fglrx-amdcccle-updates 92.000000
    2013-03-08 20:58:39,849 DEBUG: install progress fglrx-amdcccle-updates 96.000000
    2013-03-08 20:58:39,950 DEBUG: install progress fglrx-amdcccle-updates 100.000000
    2013-03-08 20:58:40,050 DEBUG: install progress initramfs-tools 100.000000
    2013-03-08 20:58:53,205 DEBUG: install progress libc-bin 100.000000
    2013-03-08 20:58:54,309 DEBUG: Selecting previously deselected package patch.
    (Reading database ... 153192 files and directories currently installed.)
    Unpacking patch (from .../patch_2.6.1-2_i386.deb) ...
    Selecting previously deselected package dkms.
    Unpacking dkms (from .../dkms_2.2.0.2-1ubuntu4_all.deb) ...
    Selecting previously deselected package fakeroot.
    Unpacking fakeroot (from .../fakeroot_1.17-1_i386.deb) ...
    Selecting previously deselected package fglrx-updates.
    Unpacking fglrx-updates (from .../fglrx-updates_2%3a8.911-0ubuntu0.1_i386.deb) ...
    Selecting previously deselected package fglrx-amdcccle-updates.
    Unpacking fglrx-amdcccle-updates (from .../fglrx-amdcccle-updates_2%3a8.911-0ubuntu0.1_i386.deb) ...
    Processing triggers for man-db ...
    Processing triggers for ureadahead ...
    ureadahead will be reprofiled on next reboot
    Setting up patch (2.6.1-2) ...
    Setting up dkms ( ...
    Setting up fakeroot (1.17-1) ...
    update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/fakeroot-sysv to provide /usr/bin/fakeroot (fakeroot) in auto mode.
    Setting up fglrx-updates (2:8.911-0ubuntu0.1) ...
    update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/fglrx/ to provide /etc/ (i386-linux-gnu_gl_conf) in auto mode.
    update-alternatives: warning: skip creation of /etc/OpenCL/vendors/amdocl64.icd because associated file /usr/lib/fglrx/etc/OpenCL/vendors/amdocl64.icd (of link group i386-linux-gnu_gl_conf) doesn't exist.
    update-alternatives: warning: skip creation of /usr/lib32/ because associated file /usr/lib32/fglrx/ (of link group i386-linux-gnu_gl_conf) doesn't exist.
    update-alternatives: warning: skip creation of /usr/lib32/ because associated file /usr/lib32/fglrx/ (of link group i386-linux-gnu_gl_conf) doesn't exist.
    update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/fglrx/ to provide /etc/ (x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf) in auto mode.
    update-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated)
    Loading new fglrx-updates-8.911 DKMS files...
    First Installation: checking all kernels...
    Building only for 3.0.0-32-generic-pae
    Building for architecture i686
    Building initial module for 3.0.0-32-generic-pae

    Running module version sanity check.
    - Original module
    - No original module exists within this kernel
    - Installation
    - Installing to /lib/modules/3.0.0-32-generic-pae/updates/dkms/


    DKMS: install Completed.
    update-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated)
    Processing triggers for bamfdaemon ...
    Rebuilding /usr/share/applications/bamf.index...
    Processing triggers for gnome-menus ...
    Setting up fglrx-amdcccle-updates (2:8.911-0ubuntu0.1) ...
    Processing triggers for initramfs-tools ...
    update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.0.0-32-generic-pae
    Processing triggers for libc-bin ...
    ldconfig deferred processing now taking place

    2013-03-08 20:58:54,493 WARNING: /sys/module/fglrx_updates/drivers does not exist, cannot rebind fglrx_updates driver
    2013-03-08 20:58:54,556 ERROR: xorg:fglrx_updates: get_alternative_by_name(fglrx-updates) returned nothing
    2013-03-08 20:58:54,680 DEBUG: fglrx.enabled(fglrx_updates): target_alt None current_alt /usr/lib/fglrx/ other target alt None other current alt /usr/lib/fglrx/
    2013-03-08 20:58:54,681 DEBUG: fglrx_updates is not the alternative in use
    2013-03-08 20:58:54,723 DEBUG: fglrx.enabled(fglrx_updates): target_alt None current_alt /usr/lib/fglrx/ other target alt None other current alt /usr/lib/fglrx/
    2013-03-08 20:58:54,723 DEBUG: fglrx_updates is not the alternative in use

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    Melyik a jobb?
    - Zárt ATI/AMD FGLRX grafikus illesztőprogram vagy
    - ATI/AMD szabadalmaztatott FGLRX grafikus illesztőprogram (kiadás utáni frissítések)?

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz Kendek #7765 üzenetére

    Végül a 2.-at telepítettem, mert az elsővel kapcsolatban valami letiltást emlegetett, és inkább nem kockázattam.
    Előtte telepítettem a frissítéseket, illetve „disztribúciófrissítettem” 12.04-re.
    Most minden remekül megy. :C

    Az amúgy lehetséges, hogy 32bites Ubiról 64esre frissítsek?

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    Hogy tudnám megoldani, hogy tudjak játszani GTAIII-mal? Jelenleg a Wine 1.4-es változata van fent, 12.04.2-es, 64bites ubuntu. A GTA-t CD-ről telepítettem, az 1.00.000-verzió van meg.
    Teljesen üres képet ad. :(

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz hcl #7933 üzenetére

    De a win-t honnan tudnám beszerezni hozzá?

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz hcl #7935 üzenetére

    igen, azt én is tudom. de windows nélkül nehezen lehet windowst telepíteni...

    (#7932) lionhearted

    Nem engedi telepíteni. Azt írja ki, hogy nem találja a CD-ROM-ot... :(

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz hcl #7937 üzenetére

    Az 1,2,3 és london-t tartalmazó trilógia van meg.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz eternam #7939 üzenetére

    a cd-n csak autorun.exe van.
    ha ezt megnyitom, akkor wine-nal telepíti.
    telepítette. mikor el akarom indítani, üres ablakot ad ki, és az egyetlen, amit tudok csinálni, hogy kilépek.

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz hcl #7940 üzenetére

    hogyan tovább?

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz hcl #7950 üzenetére

    Letelepítettem, de mikor elindítom a játékot, akkor kirak egy üres (átlátszó) hibaablakot, majd mikor azt bezárom, kilép az egészből, de a febontást meghagyja 640*480-nak, amit nekem külön kell utána visszaállítanom... :(

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz hcl #7983 üzenetére

    Az én gépen mondjuk nem éppen öreg. (FX-6300 + HD7770)
    De akkor ezek szerint muszáj lesz megvárni, mire összegyün a pénz egy win8-ra...

    Meg amúgy az az érdekes, hogy az Alien Arena valamiért nem indul. Pedig a Nexuiz és az OpenArena is hibátlanjul megy max. beállítások mellett... - most a wine-tól függetlenül jutott ez eszembe...

    Szerk.: Megnéztem a linket az aláírásodban: királyak a képek! :C

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95



    Ki akartam próbálni az Ubuntu 13.04 bétáját virtuális gépben, de az alábbi hibaüzenet ezt megakadályozta!:

    Ami azt illeti, fogalmam sincs mit csináltam rosszul, és miért nem működik...

    Illetve a Javát (Minecrafthoz kellene) se Operával, se Firefox-szal nem bírom működésbe hozni.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz stopperos #8433 üzenetére


    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz stopperos #8437 üzenetére

    Az „A” lehetőség.

    Töröltem a VM-et, és felraktam helyére az általad linkeltet.

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz stopperos #8437 üzenetére

    Kifutottam a szerkesztési időből:
    A javára semmi ötleted sincs, hogy tudnám felrakni, úgy, hogy az az Operának is megfelelő legyen?

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz stopperos #8445 üzenetére

    Nekem egy szimpla, egybefüggő szürke kép van, ahol néha bevillan a Minecraft betöltőképernyője...

    Ja és a 7-es van fent.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

  • sz.balazs.95


    válasz Rimuru #8448 üzenetére

    Igen, ott van!

    (#8449) stopperos: 7

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Don't sing if you want to live long, they have no use for your song, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead and outta this world.

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